MentorcliQ- Frontend Optimization and UI Enhancement for MentorcliQ's Mentoring Software Platform

Client Location: USA & Armenia

Project Duration: 2020-2022

Team Size: 5

Teck Stack: React Native, React.js, TypeScript, Redux, Eslint, Husky, Format.js, React Bootstrap, Storybook

MentorcliQ is a company that provides mentoring software solutions to organizations. They focus on creating platforms and tools facilitating mentorship programs within businesses and institutions. The concept behind MentorcliQ revolves around connecting mentors and mentees to foster professional development, knowledge sharing, and growth.


In our partnership with MentorcliQ, we concentrated on enhancing the front end of their application while implementing fresh UI modifications. Leveraging advanced technology, we ensured that each mentoring relationship was optimally matched, establishing a strong foundation crucial for successful and enriching mentorship journeys.

By undertaking this project, the following outcomes were achieved:

  1. Our passion for innovation has driven us to explore new technologies and methodologies continually. By infusing creativity into our work, we have introduced groundbreaking solutions that have sparked interest and admiration among our clients

  1. Facing challenges head-on, our team has showcased its problem-solving prowess. We tackle obstacles with agility, ensuring minimal disruptions and swift resolution to keep our clients’ businesses running seamlessly

  1. Eliminating redundant code from the old codebase and data has been a priority. Through careful refactoring, we’ve streamlined the application, making it leaner and faster

By prioritizing code optimization and building new relationships, our software service team enhanced the user experience and laid the groundwork for scalable and sustainable software solutions.

We Operate Worldwide



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